I am a graduate student of GAPS Lab Dept. of Computer Science of Zhejiang University. I like Computer Graphics, currently working on 3D Reconstruction and Real-time Rendering Techniques. I also have experience in Game Developing and Mini-program Developing.

github | gitee | email | CV

Computer Graphics

Recently I have been doing works related to Digital Human, including Neural-based MVS High-Quality Face Asset Reconstruction, Single RGB-D Camera Hand Shape and Texture Reconstruction.

Soft-Renderer : A Tiny Renderer built on minimum dependencies [github]
Tira : A tiny ray tracer implemented on CPU/GPU [github]
Personal Implementation of Analytic Spherical Harmonic Coefficients for Polygonal Area Lights (SIGGRAPH 2018) [github]
  Personal Implementation of X-Fields: Implicit Neural View-, Light- and Time-Image Interpolation (SIGGRAPH Asia 2020) with pytorch [github]
An OpenGL Strand-based Hair demo, implemented Kajiya Kay & Marschner Model and Temporal AA
A Real-time Vulkan Renderer features: Separable Subsurface Scattering/Screen Space Refraction


  1. A Visualization of Badminton Career github repo

    A visualization of badminton career life for badminton starts, developed with Vue, D3js and Scrapy

  2. A Visualization Tool for Blockchain github repo

Web and Miniprogram

  1. Glyph SDK for JS release page

    A Javascript SDK for Seal Glyphs Project of Jadefoci

  2. Zeguan Seal Wechat Miniprogram

  3. AI Seal Ali Miniprogram

  4. KK Kanban

  5. Tongwei App

  6. Austin+ Wechat Miniprogram

Game Development

  1. Global Game Jam 2021 bilibili

  2. CiGA Game Jam 2021 bilibili

  3. Course project: Sisphury’s Illusion bilibili

Languages & Skills

Programming languages

S Tier
A Tier
B Tier

Frameworks & Tools

S Tier
A Tier
B Tier
C Tier